
China Economic Series (15)

2009-08-05DONG, Ai-Ying

▶ 외국기관투자자들의 脫중국 현상, 향후 지속 가능성 점검 ● 올 연초 BofA (Bank of America)가 보유한 중국 건설은행의 지분 56억주 매각 소식과 지난해 12월 UBS 등의 중국은행 지분에 대한 매각 등으로 중국 은행산업의 잠재적인 리스크에 대한 의구심이 커지며 2009년 중 중국계 은행에 대한 매각 러시를 우려하는 시각 대두 ● 정부부양책에 따른 대출규모 확대 및 예대금리차의 점진적 축소는 각각 중국 은행업 수익성에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 Upside risk와 Downside risk로 작용할 전망 ● 펀더멘탈 측면에서 수익성 악화 압력이 존재하여 ‘09년 중국 은행권의 이익증가율(전년대비) 하락은 불가피하나, 전체 산업의 이익증가율과 비교하면 상대적으로 양호한 수준을 유지할 예상 ● 또한 중국은행권의 부실채권비율은 ‘09년 중 다소 상승할 전망이나 위험수준에 도달할 가능성은 크지 않은 것으로 판단되어 외국투자자들의 중국계 은행 지분 매각은 외국기관투자자들 자체의 유동성 문제에 의해 좌우될 것으로 전망 ● 중국 금융권은 최근 몇 년 간 외국투자자들이 중장기적 진출 전략을 펼치고 있는 시장으로서 ‘06년 12월을 기점으로 글로벌 은행들의 잇따른 현지법인 전환에 따라 중국시장에 대한 본격적인 투자가 이루어지고 있는 상황 ● 설립초기 단계에 있어 아직 수익성이 높지 않은 외국계 은행들은 당분간은 중국계 은행과의 전략적 파트너 관계를 지속할 전망이며, 이에 따라 중국계 은행 지분에 대한 매각은 일시적인 현상에 그칠 전망
▶ Are foreign investors giving up on Chinese banks? ■ Foreign investors are selling their stakes in Chinese banks ● On January 8, Bank of America sold 5.6 billion shares in China Constructions Bank (CCB), raising doubts in the market about the health and risk of the Chinese banking industry. ● The move came less than a month after UBS and Li Kang Shing Foundation sold shares in Bank of China (BOC), which has raised expectations that sales of bank shares could surge in 2009 as lock-up periods end for foreign investors' stakes in banks. ■ Despite slowing growth, the Chinese banking sector remains resilient ● Bank loans are the focus of the financial measures introduced by the government to stimulate the economy. Some loans will be secured by government guarantees, and stable loan growth will provide the most support for profit growth. ● However, the narrowing of loan-deposit spreads will have a negative effect on bank profits. ● Bank profits grew by over 50% YoY in the past two years, but this rate is unlikely to be maintained in 2009. Nonetheless, growth of over 10% is expected, and in comparison to overall industrial performance, banking will prove to be a bright spot. ● Although the major commercial banks will see rising NPL ratios, asset quality is not expected to deteriorate to the point of causing turmoil in the banking system. ■ The bank selloff by foreigner investors may be a temporary trend ● Most foreign investors have mid-to-long term development plans in China and have formed strategic partnerships with Chinese banks. This will make them reluctant to sell off their stakes. ● After December, 2006, many foreign banks received permission to establish independent corporations in China. However, as they are in the preliminary stages of developing their local operations, foreign banks still need to build up their reputations, service networks, and customer base. As a result, most foreign banks still need to build strategic partnerships with Chinese banks and solidify their relationships through stake investments. ● The recent sales by foreign investors of their stakes in Chinese banks has been driven more by liquidity needs rather than fundamental risks in the Chinese banking industry and from a long term perspective, the Chinese banking industry remains an attractive field for foreign financial institutions.