
China Economic Insight Series ( 4 )

2009-08-05DONG, Ai-Ying

▶ 중국 수출 둔화의 시작, 향후 중국 수출의 향방은? ● 2002년 이후 연평균 30% 내외의 높은 증가율을 기록하던 중국의 수출 부문은 2007년 하반기부터 증가율에 있어 둔화세가 나타나기 시작 ● 특히, 국가별 수출에 있어 對미, 對유로권역의 증가율이 감소하고 있는 반면, 신흥시장으로의 수출 증가율은 여전히 안정적인 추세를 보이고 있음 ● 수출 둔화의 단기적 요인 : 미국 등 선진국들의 경기둔화로 인한 수요 감소 및 위안화 절상의 가속화로 중국 수출기업들의 이익률 둔화 ● 수출 둔화의 중·장기적 요인 : 고에너지 산업 중심의 수출구조, 높은 임금상승률 및 중국정부의 수출제한정책 강화 ● 향후 발생가능한 시나리오 : 미국의 경기침체에도 불구하고 신흥시장이 미국경제와 디커플링될 경우 총수출이 크게 둔화되지는 않을 것이나, 디커플링되지 않을 경우에는 수출 부문의 큰 폭의 둔화로 중국경제가 연착륙 혹은 경착륙할 가능성을 배제할 수 없음 ● 저원가를 바탕으로 한 수출경쟁력이 더 이상 지속되기 어렵다는 것을 인식하고 있는 중국정부는 수출정책을 통해 첨단기술 및 고부가가치 제품의 생산 및 수출, 그리고 내수시장 확대를 통한 내수주도형 경제로의 전환을 모색하고 있음
▶ Will the decline in Chinese exports continue in 2008? ● Chinese exports have maintained high growth of around 30% over the past 5 years. However, since the second half of 2007, exports have begun to slow. Although export growth reached a record high of 30.6% in March, 2008 following a decline to 6.4% in February, the overall downward trend remains largely intact. ● Although exports to developed countries such as the U.S., the EU and Japan, have slowed sharply, exports to emerging markets have remained relatively stable. Whether emerging market economies can decouple from the U.S. is thus a decisive factor for the stability of Chinese export growth. ● The current decline in exports is driven by both short term and mid-to-long term factors. Short term factors include the ongoing economic slowdown in the U.S., the resulting negative impact on other advanced economies, and the significant appreciation of the Yuan. In the mid-to-long term, the high energy cost structure of exports and soaring labor costs are risks to Chinese exports that are likely to persist for some time. ● The decline in exports will negatively impact the earnings of export-oriented enterprises, thus slowing domestic investment, consumption, and economic growth. ● What is the outlook for Chinese export growth? → Scenario 1: If emerging markets can decouple from the U.S. economy, exports will slow by a relatively small margin, which will likely have a minimal impact on overall economic growth. → Scenario 2: If emerging markets cannot decouple from the U.S. economy, exports are expected to deteriorate sharply, which will likely result in a soft landing with stable growth in domestic consumption and investment. Otherwise, the possibility of a hard-landing cannot be avoided. → Scenario 3 (mid-to-long term) : The competitiveness of Chinese exports may be diminished dramatically if high energy consumption and rapid growth of wages continues over the next 5~10 years. ● To prevent a sharp economic slowdown caused by the decline in exports, the Chinese government is trying to implement a shift from foreign demand to domestic demand as the key growth engine of the economy.